Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thursday, February 09, 2017


Meeting held at Juda and Eskew

Thursday, February 09, 2017


Present:    John Caico, Elaine Casserly, Cari Dungan, Jose Granobles, Jan Stanley, and Carla Collareta

Absent: Barbara Berner


Also Present:     Jimmy Patrizi from GPS Property Management


Meeting called to order at 7:23PM.


Minutes from the December meeting were unanimously approved.


Jan asked management to discuss sidewalk repairs on 84 South property adjacent to Woodgate Condos with their property manager Chris Tuller.


Board discussed a possible representative for Woodgate at the next 84 South Homeowners’ Meeting. Both David Cates and Barbara Ricano were mentioned as possible volunteers.


Board Member Jose Granobles had obtained two separate contractor quotes. One quote was for painting the Condo association from FRESH COAT PROFESSIONAL PAINTING, INC.  3950 Cocoplum Circle, Unit C  Coconut Creek, FL  33063. The quoted price was $181,300.00.


Board member Jose also obtained another quote for fascia board and A/C fence repair work by FRESH COAT PROFESSIONAL PAINTING, INC.  3950 Cocoplum Circle, Unit C  Coconut Creek, FL  33063. The quoted price was $86,526.00.


Both quotes were reviewed by the Board of Directors and added to other bids that were obtained for the corresponding jobs. There was no further discussion about the bids.


Board members asked that property management complete the final draft of the violations list letter initially created by Board Member Jose and email to the board.


Board member Jose asked that management prepare a newsletter for the community to update the residents of community updates and issues.


Board member Jan asked that management provide a list of items that should be disseminated to residents of items that can be or not be recycled. This will be included in the upcoming newsletter.


Board member Jan also discussed an upcoming Garage Sale on March 18th & 19th. This will also be included in the newsletter.


Jimmy of Property Management discussed the need to have a legal meeting to discuss several items that need addressing in the community. Two dates for the meeting was mentioned 2/27/17 or 2/28/17. The board agreed that 2/28/17 would be the better of the two dates. Jimmy advised that he would schedule the meeting.


Motion to approve new Violation Committee member Stephanie Cates at 15726 Woodgate Place was made by Jose, seconded by Jan and then unanimously approved.



Meeting adjourned at 8:41PM

Monday, December 12 2016


Meeting held at Juda and Eskew

Monday, December 12 2016


Present:               John Caico, Cari Dungan, Jan Stanley, and Barbara Berner


Also Present:     Carol Eskew and Alma Martinique of Juda and Eskew


Meeting called to order at 7:21PM.


Community Budget – Motion made by Jan and seconded by Cari and unanimously approved.  Carol proceeded to explain the difference between the community and condominium budget to attendees from the community.


The community part of the meeting was closed and the condominium budget was opened. 


Condominium Budget - Jan made a motion to approve and John seconded and it was unanimously approved. 


A discussion ensued with various residents present concerning the reserves for roof and painting.  Carol explained that when the time comes there would be a special assessment as none of the units vote to include the assessment in their monthly bill.  The questions came from new members of the community.


The proxies were counted and the units that still need the required number of votes to waive the reserves will be followed up on.  The buildings missing votes are as follows:  4, 9, 14, 17, 24, 25, 27, 33, 36, 38, 41, 44, and 45.  Carol will email the list with the number of votes needed to all board members.


Meeting adjourned at 8:06PM.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Meeting held at Juda and Eskew

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Present:               Elaine Casserly, Cari Dungan, Jose Grenobles, Jan Stanley, and Barbara Berner


Also Present:     Jimmy Patrizi from GPS Property Management Co. and Carol Eskew.


Meeting called to order at 7:35PM.


Minutes from the September meeting were unanimously approved.


Carol reported that there is no operating surplus left in budget.  The minutes of our next meeting (budget) should include a motion to transfer $30,000 from condo to community.


Jan made motion to approve, seconded by Jose, and unanimously approved for a $30,000 payment for extras for playground.


Meters for water have to be inspected for irregularities.  Some of units have extra high charges.


Different attorney for violations vs. collections.  Let Carol know.


Meter inspection has to be conducted at pool area.


Bad debt buildings #44 and #45 – letter went out to the buildings to pay for this – has to be addressed at some future point.  Carol discussed the complexities of this and how it affects owners.


640 Woodgate Circle – illegal resident and illegal car.  Residents want waiver of the $2,000 or reduce to $1,000.  After discussion a motion to charge the full amount was approved if they do not move in and do not get approved.


Motion to approve new violation committee member Felix Marte at 642 Woodgate Lane was made by Jose, seconded by Barbara and unanimousl6y approved.


Date for Christmas Party is Sunday, December 11 at 6PM.


Budget meeting will be set for Monday, December 12 at Juda and Eskew; we need four board members present.


Meeting adjourned at 9:20PM

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Meeting held at Rick Case Honda

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Present:               John Caico, Elaine Casserly, Cari Dungan, Jose Grenobles, Jan Stanley, Ana Zamora, and Barbara Berner


Also present:     Jimmy Patrizi from GPS Property Management Co.


Meeting called to order at 7PM.


Minutes from the April meeting were unanimously approved.


Playground Project:


We are waiting for final approval from the City of Sunrise planning department.  As soon as everything is approved work will commence.  Currently the playground is locked as it is unsafe.  A suggestion was made to place a sign as well.  Construction should take 2/3 weeks.


Tennis Courts:


Gate is being reinforced on Saturday.  Locksmith will install new lock and it will be the same as the pool key.


Memorial Day Party:


Party went well and residents in attendance were pleased.  Costs were $3,948 for food and tables, DJ was $600, mailers, food tickets and pool toys $456.  Total of $4,650 was approved by a motion from Jan, seconded by Ana and unanimously approved out of the community funds.


A resident provided another name of a printing company that is cheaper (Fed Ex was used this time. ) Print It (Scott) 954-423-5353.


Sales, Violations and Towing:


Jimmy reported on homes that were sold and inspections done, along with some towing/ resident violations.


Hot Tub:


Problems ensuing with the hot tub due to a gumbo limbo tree that is next to the tub and everything gets sucked into the filter.  When it gets full the pump shuts off.  Pool man comes three times a week and will come on Saturdays now.  City of Sunrise has to grant approval to remove the tree.






Swim Lessons:


The swimming lessons start on Monday for two weeks.  Residents should contact the management company to sign up.  Times are 6 months to 36 months 9:30; 10 – 10:30 for 36 months to 5 years; and 10:30 – 11:00 for 6 to 12 year olds.




Air conditioning fences for townhomes from Zepco for 141 homes is $38,000.  Money has to be assessed ($275) for each home.  After a resident mentioned problems with a villa fence, discussion ensued regarding sealing fences prior to installation.  Jimmy will obtain another quote to include this.


Complaint about the garbage company destroying the fences around dumpsters because they are not careful will be looked into.


There will be a meeting scheduled to discuss the new entrance signs.


There has been a recurring problem with residents leaving personal property e.g., barbecues, plant containers, children’s toys, etc. on the grass and these have to be moved by the landscapers or the grounds cannot be maintained appropriately.  A notice will be sent and put on individuals’ doors giving them 10 days to remove or the items will be removed for them at their expense.  Jimmy has the names of volunteers that will do a walk-through of the community to address these issues.


A suggestion was made that the parking and pet rules should be included on the Web site.


There should be an automatic response set up so residents know that an email was received by the management company.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM.


Friday, June 10, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Meeting held at Rick Case Honda
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Present:John Caico, Elaine CasserlyCari Dungan, Jose Grenobles, Jan Stanley, Ana Zamora, and Barbara Berner

Also Present:Jimmy Patrizi from GPS Property Management Co. and Alex Alonso, Esq.

Meeting called to order at 7:14 PM.

Parking Rules:

Jimmy provided a history of the past issues with parking and an overview of the current parking policy:

• There were many complaints of people parking in the roadway (blocking access), parking on the grass, no guest spaces available, and cars parked that did not belong to residents.
• After parking rules were enforced, guest spaces have opened up and no cars in roadway.
• The decals issued to residents and renters provides a way of identifying if person is an approved resident or they would have to be screened.
• While the decals were being issued, some individuals did not want to be screened and they moved out of the development.
• An incident was shared that occurred prior to the parking rules/decals concerning a drug dealer that was living in the community and dealing drugs from the pool.  He also broke into cars and houses when on drugs and attacked a police officer.
• The current rules were discussed and ratified by the board after a couple of meetings and mailed out to everyone and are now included in the application package for anyone wishing to buy or rent in Woodgate.


• Individuals should remember to park in their own spaces first and guest spaces second.
• During holidays the rules are not strictly enforced except for individuals that park on the grassy areas.
• The $20 fee for a replacement decal should be reduced.
• There is no “selective enforcement” as there is a violations committee that issues stickers and takes pictures of violations.
• Any suspected violations should be reported to the management company.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Meeting held at Rick Case Kia   
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Present:               John Caico, Elaine Casserly, Cari Dungan, Jose Granobles, Jan Stanley, and Barbara Berner

Also Present:     Jimmy Patrizi from GPS Property Management Co. and Alex Alonso, Esq.

Meeting called to order at 7:05PM.

Playground Project::

Prior to any discussion of this project, the attorney had to explain that it was proper procedure for Jimmy Patrizi to present the proposals as there was an objection to this that came from one of the many residents attending the meeting.

Three bids were received and they were reviewed at last month’s meeting.  Subsequent to that meeting a representative from Miracle met with some of the board members at the existing playground site and adjustments were made.  Their proposal was now $93,654.54.

A discussion ensued with residents questions/comments:

·         Total price was too high
·         Number of children in the community was questioned
·         Where the monies were coming from
·         Misconception that residents would be assessed
·         Residents should have been allowed to review and provide input

At this point, the attorney and another resident attempted to calm the residents that were all speaking at the same time and requested that they be respectful of each other’s views.  A female resident attempted to explain in Spanish for those that may not understand.  Another resident that was a board member years ago explained the builder restrictions that are within the codes that forbid us from turning the playground and/or tennis courts into something else.  He also noted that there were repairs done on the playground over twelve years ago that cost $25,000 and this new bid is replacing the sand and replacing it with a rubber foundation.  Another resident that works with the schools tried to explain that the cost was reasonable for today’s market.


Questions surrounding the upcoming swimming lessons that will be offered free that has been coordinated with the YMCA Mobile Aquatics Team at our pool were discussed. More information will be forthcoming and there is no liability on our part.


Painting Project – This will be discussed at our next meeting along with the replacement of fences at the townhomes.

Towing- Issues surrounding the Parking Policy and towing issues will be discussed at the next meeting.

Residents were reminded to check our Web site for news of any upcoming meetings and a notice is always placed at the bulletin board by the pool regarding location.


A motion was made by Jan and seconded by John to move forward with the playground project.  All the board members agreed with one abstention.  The motion passed. 

At this time, the community meeting was adjourned at 8:20PM.

The Condominium meeting was called to order at 8:20PM

The funding monies for the playground project are in the condominium funds and this is a community project so funds in the amount of $76,654.53 have to be moved.  Jan made motion and Cari seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved to move the funds from the Condominium reserves to Community playground reserves.  This will not result in any assessment for homeowners.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Meeting held at Rick Case Honda
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Present:               John Caico, Elaine Casserly, Cari Dungan, Jan Stanley, Ana Zamora, and Barbara Berner

Also Present:     Jimmy Patrizi from GPS Property Management Co.

Meeting called to order at 7:10PM.

Playground – Jimmy presented two quotes along with descriptions and costs on updating the playground.  Miracle was one at $105,403.16 and Landscape Structure Inc. at $78,000.  After a brief discussion it was decided that Jimmy will have a representative from Miracle do a presentation on their proposal at a future meeting.

Woodgate Entrance Signs – One quote for $5,957.20 for four new signs.  Jimmy will get additional quotes with a new design.  Suggestions were to look at new design for plants surrounding the signs as well.

Painting – Jimmy will obtain some bids from Sherwin Williams and others for painting the community.

Fences – Town home fences need to be repaired before any painting is done.  141 townhomes –approximately $55,000 to repair townhome fences.

Association Issues – At budget meeting it was determined that there are funds remaining from a past special assessment.  Carol Eskew suggested these can be moved to our operating account.  We are moving the remaining $11,985 cash from the 2002 Special Assessment account to the operating account. Jan made a motion and Cari and Elaine seconded, and unanimously passed to have the legality of this reviewed.


·         Christmas Party –catering  @ $1,712; Santa Claus @ $500; Victorian Voices of South Florida @ $1,000.  – Jan made motion to approve expenses and Cari seconded and unanimously approved.

·         Pressure cleaning community - $7,000 - Jan made motion and Ana seconded and unanimously approved.

·         Pool seal coating and staining - $7,000 - Jan made motion and Cari seconded and unanimously approved.

·         Tennis court gate replaced $875 Jan made motion, Elaine seconded and unanimously approved.

Manager’s Report:  655 Woodgate Circle $9,000 in fines in collections with lawyer.  Current inspections:  15750 Woodgate Place went up for rent; 15746 Woodgate Place has been rented; 15701 Woodgate Place going up for rent – owner told to replace screens.

Every unit that goes up for rent Jimmy makes inspection and makes sure repairs are made.

Dirt area by pool will be fixed with rocks.

Towing Company All-County was thrown out of Sunrise.  We are now using Executive Towing out of Hollywood. 

Violations Committee – Need approval for two new members:  Joe Kleimas 675 Woodgate Circle and Mark Weinstein 755 Woodgate Place.  Jan made motion and Elaine Seconded for approval.

Signs announcing monthly meetings should be placed at front entrances for future meetings.

Information on how to access our Web site will be posted by bulletin board.

Wi Fi and information on how to access is also on bulletin board.

External antennas will be updated by pool.

Residents in attendance:  Questioned what the parameters are for having a car towed. 
Question surrounding children that move out, go to college and return – why should they need to be screened?  Resident said no one responded to her emails.  Jimmy explained the policy.

Meeting adjourned at 8:14PM.